Reading ISA-Tab from files and Validating ISA-Tab files¶


The aim of this notebook is to:

  • show essential function to read and load an ISA-tab file in memory.

  • navigate key objects and pull key attributes.

  • learn how to invoke the ISA-tab validation function.

  • interpret the output of the validation report.

1. Getting the tools¶

# If executing the notebooks on `Google Colab`,uncomment the following command 
# and run it to install the required python libraries. Also, make the test datasets available.

# !pip install -r requirements.txt
import isatools
import os
import sys
from isatools import isatab

2. Reading and loading an ISA Investigation in memory from an ISA-Tab instance¶

with open(os.path.join('./BII-S-3', 'i_gilbert.txt')) as fp:
            ISA = isatab.load(fp)

Let’s check the description of the first study object present in an ISA Investigation object¶


Let’s check the protocols declared in ISA the study (using a python list comprehension):¶

[protocol.description for protocol in ISA.studies[0].protocols]

Let’s now checks the ISA Assay Measurement and Technology Types are used in this ISA Study object¶

[f'{assay.measurement_type.term} using {assay.technology_type.term}' for assay in ISA.studies[0].assays]

Let’s now check the ISA Study Source Material:¶

[ for source in ISA.studies[0].sources]

Let’s check what is the first ISA Study Source property:¶

# here, we get all the characteristics of the first Source object
first_source_characteristics = ISA.studies[0].sources[0].characteristics

Let’s now check what is the value associated with that first ISA Study Source property:¶


Let’s now check what are all the properties associated with this first ISA Study Source¶

[char.category.term for char in first_source_characteristics]

And the corresponding values are:¶

[char.value for char in first_source_characteristics]

3. Invoking the python ISA-Tab Validator¶

my_json_report_bii_i_1 = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('./BII-I-1/', 'i_investigation.txt')))
my_json_report_bii_s_3 = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('./BII-S-3/', 'i_gilbert.txt')))
my_json_report_bii_s_4 = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('./BII-S-4/', 'i_investigation.txt')))
my_json_report_bii_s_7 = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('./BII-S-7/', 'i_matteo.txt')))
  • This Validation Report shows that No Error has been logged

  • The rest of the report consists in warnings meant to draw the attention of the curator to elements which may be provided but which do not break the ISA syntax.

  • Notice the study group information reported on both study and assay files. If ISA Factor Value[] fields are found present in the ISA Study or ISA Assay tables, the validator will try to identify the set of unique Factor Value combination defining a Study Group.

    • When no Factor Value are found in a ISA Study or Assay table, the value is left to its default value: -1, which means that No Study Group have been found.

    • ISA strongly encourages to declare Study Group using ISA Factor Value to unambiguously identify the Independent Variables of an experiment.

4. How does a validation failure looks like ?¶

BII-S-5 contains an error located in the i_investigation.txt file of the submission¶

my_json_report_bii_s_5 = isatab.validate(open(os.path.join('./BII-S-5/', 'i_investigation.txt')))
  • The Validator report the Error Array is not empty and shows the root cause of the syntactic validator error.

  • There is a typo in the Investigation file which affects 2 positions on the file for both Investigation and Study Object: Publication list. vs Publication List