The ISA infrastructure now includes an R package, called Risa, to parse ISAtab datasets into R objects. The Risa package is included in BioConductor release 2.11.
Risa provides functionality to read ISA-Tab datasets into R objects. These objects can then be used by downstream Bioconductor packages for data analysis and visualization (i.e, xcms). Currently, metadata associated to proteomics and metabolomics-based assays (i.e. mass spectrometry) can be processed into xcmsSet objects (from the xcms Bioconductor package). Risa also provides functionality to save the ISA-tab dataset, or each of its individual files, and to update assay files after analysis. For an example of using Risa for processing and analysis of metabolomics data, see
The source code and latest version can be found in the GitHub repository Please, submit all ‘bugs’ and feature requests through